Wednesday, 1 September 2010

My English Alter-Ego

Trwy ddefnydd Google Translate dwi wedi creu doppelganger Sasneg, sydd yn ddyn drwg iawn (dyma linc i'w flog). Dwi'n poeni ei fod yn byw bywyd difyrrach na fi o beth cythra'l (Mae ei gyfeiriadau tuag at y "luxury Hefin Jos" yn dangos hynny)
Dyma rai o'i berlau:

Ei dactegau ffermio:
"I''ll melt small bales of acorns out there"
"be sneaky move bales in sin"

Ei deimladau am sioe Simone Felice yng Nghaerdydd:
"feel pretty bad about creating amazing discharge"

Ei helyntion yn Nolgellau:
"Eating cheese (four kinds) and crackers off the roof of a car in Dolgellau, cyrtysi of Father angry. Thank you Father."

Ei awgrymiadau ar sut i gael noson dda yng Nghaerdydd:
"listen music and drink in the Gwdihw powder"
"five sick in the toilet and try downsho with cute girls"

Ei ebychiadau difyr:
"Alas and woe, miserable place"

Ei ramantu hen ffasiwn:
"Put thy hand into my hand"

Ei feddyliau am staff sdesion drenau Shrwsbri:
"some old slebog dry old woman behind the glass."

Ei anturiaethau brwnt a ffiaidd:
"I helped me find some one very nice woman and I fushi'n gisda on that for a little cruise"

Ei ddoethinebau:
"food colonies, which can go far because the bygars requires gloves and hide under the ffrij"

Ei farddoniaeth:
"And that man was near the Boccia '
Saying that he gapden Tonga,
With a penny to my limited understanding of Cinna "
(O'i gerdd "Song Of The Capden Shipping")

Ei fywyd priodasol:
"I spend the majority of five nights with husband benign Rhyz Gwynvor"

Ei sylwadau am grefydd:
"Atheists-people who may never have tried to resist the cheese"

Ac yn olaf, pytiau o'i gampwaith serchog gontrafyrshal "The Ffenast":

"Completing each other with our gloves... Thy ana'l hot on my cheek"

Ai fel hyn y mae nhw'n byw eu bywydau dros glawdd offa?

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